
Group: DynoMotion Message: 12283 From: Colin Fera Date: 9/20/2015
Subject: planning DMM + kanalog settings

I have these DMM DYN4 servos:

link: http://www.dmm-tech.com/Dyn4_main.html

with a kanalog and kflop.

They support position, speed or torque mode and have quadrature position output from the drive.

My first inclination is to use torque mode with analog input from the kanalog and let the kflop close the loop.

There is an alternative, and that is position mode with either analog input or step/direction and have the kflop close the loop around the drive which is also closing the loop

Does anyone have any thoughts on wether the alternatives would be better than the first thoughts?


Group: DynoMotion Message: 12284 From: Dan W Date: 9/20/2015
Subject: Re: planning DMM + kanalog settings
Analog torque mode will eliminate as many control loops as possible in the servo drive and put all the control on the KFLOP. This should give you the best chance of getting an ideal tune. 

I did analog speed mode on my machine and it works well but I have some odd oscillations and will be going back and starting over with torque mode. 

Step/direction position mode us the simplest to control method but puts all the control (tuning) into the drive. 

If you already have the KANAOLG I would go torque mode. 

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone

Group: DynoMotion Message: 12285 From: Colin Fera Date: 9/20/2015
Subject: Re: planning DMM + kanalog settings
Thanks for the reply.

Analog torque mode it is.

On Sun, Sep 20, 2015 at 12:19 PM, Dan W engnerdan@... [DynoMotion] <DynoMotion@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

Analog torque mode will eliminate as many control loops as possible in the servo drive and put all the control on the KFLOP. This should give you the best chance of getting an ideal tune. 

I did analog speed mode on my machine and it works well but I have some odd oscillations and will be going back and starting over with torque mode. 

Step/direction position mode us the simplest to control method but puts all the control (tuning) into the drive. 

If you already have the KANAOLG I would go torque mode. 

Sent from my Verizon Wireless 4G LTE smartphone